Example of an state observer to estimate the perturbed component of the body weight trajectory


Rafael Munoz-Tamayo , Matti Pastel,Masoomeh Taghipoor

Case study 3. Known theoretical trajectory.

In this example, we show the use of state observers to quantify dynamic perturbations. An observer is an object that combines a mathematical model and on-line data to estimate unmeasured variables

 knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)


# Loading the measured noisy data [time (d) animal body weight (kg)]
ynoise  <- read.table("ynoise.txt");
DN  <- data.frame(ynoise);
colnames(DN)<- c("time","BW");
tN <- DN$time
yN <- DN$BW

# Loading the measured filtered data [time (d) animal body weight (kg)]
ysmooth <- read.table("ysmooth.txt");
DS  <- data.frame(ysmooth);
colnames(DS)<- c("time","BW");
tS <- DS$time
yS <- DS$BW

# Loading the perturbation factor used to generate the simulated data 

perturbfactor<- read.table("perturbfactor.txt");
DP  <- data.frame(perturbfactor);
colnames(DP)<- c("time","Fi");
tP <- DP$time
yP <- DP$Fi
 # Dynamic model

dy<- function(t, state,parameters) {  #ODE function observer
  with(as.list(c(state,parameters)), {
    # model parameters 
    # p1 = 0.05
    # p2 = 0.02
    # observer parameters
    #w1 =  4.0
    #w2 =  0.5
    #ysmooth <- read.table("ysmooth.txt");
    #DS  <- data.frame(ysmooth);
    #colnames(DS)<- c("time","BW");
    #tS <- DS$time
    #yS <- DS$BW
    ydata = approx(tS, yS, xout = t)$y # interpolation
    dy1=-ydata*y2 + ydata*p1*exp(-p2*t) + w1*(ydata-y1)
    # return the result
  }) # end with(as.list ...

state <- c(y1 = 3,y2=0) #initial conditions
parameters <- c(p1 = 0.05, p2 = 0.02, w1 = 4.0, w2 = 0.5)
yout= ode(y = state, times = tspan, func = dy,parms = parameters) # solving the ODE

Dout  <- data.frame(yout);
colnames(Dout)<- c("time","BWobs","Fiobs");
tout <- Dout$time # Time
y1 <- Dout$BWobs  # Estimated body weight
y2 <- Dout$Fiobs  # Unknown perturbation function 
ggplot(DN, aes(tN, yN)) + geom_point(colour = 'black', size = 2.5)  + labs(title="A", x="Time (d)",  y= "Body weight (kg)") +
  geom_line(data = Dout, aes(tout,y1), size = 1, linetype = 1, colour = "blue") 
Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values (`geom_line()`).

ggplot(DP, aes(tP, yP)) + geom_point(colour = 'black', size = 2.5)  + labs(title="B", x="Time (d)", y=expression(phi~ ", perturbation factor")) +
  geom_line(data = Dout, aes(tout,y2), size = 1, linetype = 1, colour = "blue" )
Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values (`geom_line()`).